Elon Musk What did you get done this week?

Tired of asking the
same questions

Run standups in Slack and get AI summaries 🤯

🔥 Deploy an AI standup bot in less than 30 seconds.

Don't believe me? Watch me do it below.

"This bot is just great. It's made our lives much easier for managing productivity across our teams (tech, sales, ops). Kudos on building something so simple to use, and yet so powerful."

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Siddharth Gopi
Co-Founder, TopHire
Trusted by the best ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

🐣   Start In 4 Easy Steps

Schedule Workflows

Create a workflow by just picking the participants, the questions and schedule.

Broadcast AI summaries wherever you want.

Stop Micromanaging

Run Tests

Run tests with custom settings & test participants.

Decide what works best for your team.

Trigger Productivity

Get Summaries

Get AI reports in an instant. Write custom prompts and get reports in your style.

Track Team Focus
New Feature!

Ask Anything

Get instant insights about your team's progress, upcoming milestones, project blockers, and more.

Don't bother your team, ask us instead!

Get Insights
...and that's it!

🎛️ Analytics & Reporting

Read reports in a personalised dashboard & get insights on your team's performance.

MacBook frame image

🎛️ Analytics & Reporting

Run analytics, generate reports and get insights on your team's performance.

🧿 Unlimited Benefits. Flat price.

We belive in keeping things simple. Flat price, so you get everything!

100% Off!


Best option to try things out.

₹0 /month
  • Upto 10 Workflows
  • Upto 5 Participants Per Worklow
  • Unlimited Channel Reports
  • Unlimited Threaded Reports
  • Unlimited AI Summaries
  • 10 AI Credits/Month for AI Queries
Start With Free
50% Off! 🎉 Limited Time Deal

Premium (Monthly)

Unlimited benefits at a flat price.

(Billed Monthly)
Per User Price @ 50 Users
Pay only ₹10k ₹5k a month.
  • Unlimited Workflows
  • 50 AI Credits/Month for AI Queries
  • Unlimited AI Summaries + Real-time Reports
  • Upto 10 Admins
  • Share Files, Videos, Images as Responses (upto 5GB)
  • Integrations with Github, Hubspot etc. (Coming Soon)
Get Premium

🇮🇳 Built in India. For the World.

⚡️ Get Started Now