What did you get done this week?
Tired of asking the
same questions
Run standups in Slack and get AI summaries 🤯
🔥 Deploy an AI standup bot in less than 30 seconds.
Don't believe me? Watch me do it below.
🐣 Start In 3 Easy Steps
Schedule Workflows
Create a workflow by just picking the participants, the questions and schedule.
Broadcast AI summaries wherever you want.
Run Tests
Run tests with custom settings & test participants.
Decide what works best for your team.
Get Summaries
Get AI reports in an instant. Write custom prompts and get reports in your style.
...and that's it!
🎛️ Analytics & Reporting
Read reports in a personalised dashboard & get insights on your team's performance.
🎛️ Analytics & Reporting
Run analytics, generate reports and get insights on your team's performance.
🧿 Unlimited Benefits. Flat price.
We belive in keeping things simple. Flat price, so you get everything!
100% Off!
Best option to try things out.
- Upto 2 Workflows
- Upto 5 Participants Per Worklow
- Channel Reports
- Threaded Reports
- AI Summaries
50% Off!
🎉 Limited Time Deal
Premium (Monthly)
Unlimited benefits at a flat price.
(Billed Monthly)
Per User Price @ 50 Users
Pay only ₹10k ₹5k a month.
- Unlimited Recurring Workflows
- Unlimited Non-Recurring Workflows
- Upto 100 Participants Per Workflow
- Unlimited AI Summaries + Real-time Reports
- Unlimited Admins
- Share Files, Videos, Images as Responses (upto 5GB)
- Integrations with Github, Hubspot etc. (Coming Soon)